India saw its first phase of voting for the mammoth Lok Sabha Elections 2024 on Friday, April 19. While a few areas in West Bengal and Manipur saw violence and exchange of gunfire, the first phase of polling was “largely peaceful across 21 States/UTs”, the Elections Commission of India (ECI) said. The voting concluded by 6 pm in 102 Lok Sabha constituencies.
Voting for state assemblies in Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh, as well as polling for ten states and union territories, has concluded in Phase 1 of the Lok Sabha elections. Tamil Nadu, Sikkim, Nagaland, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Lakshadweep, Puducherry, Meghalaya, Uttarakhand, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands are the ten states/union territories included in this list.
Which state saw how much voter turnout?
Tripura recorded the highest turnout of around 80 percent, followed by West Bengal at 77 percent. In Tamil Nadu, all Lok Sabha constituencies went to the polls in a single phase on April 19. The southern state recorded a voter turnout of 72 percent till 7 pm.
S no. | State | Voter turnout till 9 pm (in %) |
0 | Andaman and Nicobar (1 seat) | 56.87 |
1 | Arunachal Pradesh (2 seats) | 67.15 |
2 | Assam (5 seats) | 72.1 |
3 | Bihar (4 seats) | 48.5 |
4 | Chhattisgarh (1 seat, Bastar) | 63.41 |
5 | Jammu and Kashmir (1 seat, Udhampur) | 65.08 |
6 | Lakshadweep (1 seat) | 59.02 |
7 | Madhya Pradesh (6 seats) | 64.77 |
8 | Maharashtra (5 seats) | 55.35 |
9 | Manipur (2 seats) | 69.13 |
10 | Meghalaya (2 seats) | 74.21 |
11 | Mizoram (1 seat) | 54.23 |
12 | Nagaland (1 seat) | 56.91 |
13 | Puducherry (1 seat) | 73.5 |
14 | Rajasthan (12 seats) | 56.58 |
15 | Sikkim (1 seat) | 69.4 |
16 | Tamil Nadu (All 39 seats) | 65.19 |
17 | Tripura (1 seat) | 80.17 |
18 | Uttar Pradesh (8 seats) | 58.49 |
19 | Uttarakhand (5 seats) | 54.06 |
20 | West Bengal (3 seats) | 77.57 |