In a devastating turn of events, an elderly waste collector in Rajasthan has died by suicide, raising concerns about the harmful effects of online bullying. The man, identified as Pratap Singh, was affectionately known as “Babaji” in his village of Lohawat.
Singh’s daily routine of collecting recyclables became the target of online ridicule. Youths allegedly filmed videos of him working, particularly focusing on his calls of “Do you want to buy some waste?” These videos were then shared on social media platforms, accompanied by mocking comments and memes.
Viral Videos, Tragic Consequences
The widespread sharing of these videos thrust Singh into the unwanted spotlight, subjecting him to constant harassment. The emotional toll proved overwhelming, and Singh was tragically found hanging from a tree near the highway.
Police Investigate, Community Mourns
Local authorities are currently investigating the incident, with a focus on identifying those who created and shared the videos that ultimately contributed to Singh’s suicide. No arrests have been made yet.
The tragedy has sent shockwaves through the community, sparking conversations about online responsibility and empathy. Users are urged to be mindful of the potential consequences of sharing content that could ridicule or humiliate others.